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September 30th marks National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This is a day to honour the Indigenous lives lost to Canada’s Residential School system as well as the Survivors and communities still affected. Meaningful reconciliation cannot take place without a thorough understanding of the truth. Take this quiz to test your knowledge and learn more about the history of Indigenous Canadians.
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Residential Schools operated in all Canadian provinces except Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland.
Approximately how many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children were placed in residential schools?
In what year was the Indian Act amended to make residential schools mandatory for all children with Indian status under the age of 16?
In what year did the last residential school close?
The goal of residential schools was to assimilate Indigenous children and force them to adapt to Euro-Canadian customs.
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500 million people across the globe lack access to menstrual products, education, waste management and/or hygiene facilities. Not only can this lead to physical and mental health issues, it also has a significant effect on education as some people won’t attend school if they get their period and don’t have the products they need to manage their menstrual cycle. In order to make a difference, we must first understand the depths of this issue before we take action.
From now until October 13th, Always will donate 5 period products to someone in need for every quiz completion.*
ALWAYS MATCH: Completion of this quiz will earn a donation of five period products to a person in need.*
*Offer is for a donation of five period products per quiz completion or one period product per dollar donated, up to 20,000 period products. Donors will receive a tax receipt for the value of their monetary donation through CanadaHelps. Offer is only valid on one-time donations made to the Period Equity Fund, and does not include donations made to individual charities, charity campaigns, the donation of securities, P2P or third-party events, API donations, new or existing monthly donations, and the purchase or redemption of Charity Gift Cards. While supplies last. Unite for Change/CanadaHelps reserves the right to end the promotion at any time.