Nearly 800 women die every day from pregnancy or childbirth1

In Canada and around the world, women face unique medical risks and barriers to care. Bias in diagnosis and treatment, stigma surrounding menstruation, lack of research on physiological differences of women, and inaccessibility to women-focused care are globally prevalent. And they have deadly consequences. 

In Canada alone, women are still dying from preventable diseases and women from different marginalized groups are impacted differently.2

    • Black women have lower rates of breast cancer, but are more likely to die from it than white women.3
    • Women are more likely than men to die or have a second heart attack within the first six months of a cardiac event.4
    • More women have been diagnosed with COVID-19 then men.5

Creating equitable healthcare

To ensure the health and well-being of women, Canadian charities are offering critical services, such as:  

      • Physical and mental health care 
      • Sexual reproductive education and services 
      • Essential medication to ensure better health outcomes
      • Research that focuses on how disease impacts women differently
      • Advocacy initiatives for better laws and policies that protect women

These services are saving the lives of countless women.  Our work is not done. We need your support.

About the Women’s Health Fund

The Women’s Health in Focus Fund by CanadaHelps includes over 90 registered charities supporting women’s physical and mental health in Canada and abroad. The charities in this Fund are selected through an algorithmic approach, taking the charity’s area of focus, mission, and description into account. To see the latest list of charities included in this Fund, you can view the list here.

See Who Contributed to this cause

Someone donated $20 anonymously!

Sarah D donated $200!

Someone donated $250 anonymously!

Someone donated $20 anonymously!

Yuen Ling A donated $20!

Tina B donated $50!

Someone donated $50 anonymously!

Someone donated $25 anonymously!

Felicity F donated $100!

Jasmine W donated!